Recopilación que hizo este Grandioso Sello
no creo que sea eso posible
01 - Sex god missi - Tad
02 - Is it dat i´m seeing - The Fluid
03 - Spank thru - Nirvana
04 - Come out tonight - Steven Jesse Bernstein
05 - The rose - Mudhoney
06 - Got no chain - The Walkabouts
07 - Dead is dead - Terry Lee Hale
08 - Sub pop rock city - Soundgarden
09 - Hangin´tree - Green Rver
10 - Swallow my pride - Fastbacks
11 - The outback - Blood Circus
12 - Zoo - Swallow
13 - Underground - The Chemistry Set
14 - Gonna find a cave - Girl Trouble
15 - Split - Nights and Days
16 - Big cigar - Cat Butt
17 - Pajama party in a haunted hive - Beat Happening
18 - Love of confusion - Screaming Trees
19 - Untiled - Steve Fisk
20 - You lost it - The Thrown Ups
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